
VGM - An AI learns to role play

My master thesis "Virtual Game Master" (VGM) started before ChatGPT was a thing. AI was pretty good at generating somewhat creative Texts, but not so good at keeping context and sticking to rules.

In this master thesis I tried to develop a system that combined the rules you have to use to play an interesting pen and paper game with the creativity that text generation AI is capable of. I describe, what elements are important to make the game interesting and then search for rules on how to distribute the tasks between the different parts of the software.

In my opinion a lot of what I described in this work can not only be used for pen and paper games but rather a lot of different systems. As an inspiration for your own work you can read the thesis here.

Given that this is quite a complex system with a lot of moving parts and I dont really intend to develop it further I hope you can understand that I am currently unable to provide a working prototype for you to check out.

Prozedurales, parametrisiertes Sounddesign in Computerspielen

The key premise of my bachelor thesis "Procedural, parametric sound design in computer games" is to find a method to change the way sounds are used in computer games or simulations.

In many modern computer games it is really important for sound to be interactive and to react to what is happening in the virtual world. The problem is: in most cases all of this is still done by using static base material like wav- or mp3-files and than trying to manipulate these to match the corresponding event. In my opinion, this is not the right way to approach this matter.
I think it would be far more effective and useful, to instead build the base material to be interactive from the beginning. My goal was to create sound files that could be used in any type of framework such as a game engine or a web site, just like a normal audio file while still having a way to manipulate the sound at runtime with intuitive parameters.

If you want to know more on how I approached that topic and the solution I came up with, you can check out my bachelor thesis here.